Peering Information
- ASN: 201335
- AS-SET: AS201335:AS-All (opens in a new tab)
- Contact: You can find more information about our network on PeeringDB (opens in a new tab).
Peering Policy
Seven Net (AS201335) has a generally open peering policy. We welcome all peers in all locations where we are present.
Peers should meet the following criteria:
- All peers must maintain a 24×7 contactable NOC.
- Peers should not point a gateway of last resort or default route directed towards our session.
- MD5 use is discouraged but can be configured if required.
- We reserve the right to suspend peering for an indefinite period of time for any kind of abuse, DDoS, etc.
IX Peering
- Peers must establish BGP sessions with all neighbors and enable multiple routing when multiple connections exist.
Private Peering
- Both parties agree to review the capacity on a regular basis and to increase it as required.
- The peer should use reasonable endeavours to provide us with advance notice of any planned maintenance work that will affect the PNI circuits.